Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Do you remember Aesop’s fable about THE ANT AND THE GRANSSHOPPER?  I’m sure you do:), but just in case here it is in a nutshell…

The ant WORKED all summer storing up food while the grasshopper just PLAYED around.  When winter came, the ant had plenty of food and got fat & sassy (sorry…just my interpretation), but the grasshopper (lazy little dude) got very hungry because he had no food.

Well, if you lived in my house you would definitely have to learn to be an ANT!  My husband grew up on a farm, and he believes in gathering the harvest so you won’t go hungry come winter. 

He doesn’t farm anymore, but we recently made our annual trip to a nearby FARMER'S MARKET to buy some fresh vegetables…corn, butterbeans, and peas.  And he grabbed a few tomatoes while he was there….gotta have a fresh tomato and bacon sandwich on fresh, fresh bread now and then or you’ll get kicked out of the south!

Corn is the hardest most time-consuming of all the vegetables we prepare for the freezer.  Thankfully, my DH does the bulk of the work, but we do share.  He shucks and silks the corn while fanning the gnats...
                                                                    THAT HAT!!!!

I wash the ears, he creams most of it (although we do keep some on the cob)...
***To see his ingenious way of silking the corn (his own invention!), go HERE

then we work together to blanch it, bag it up, and stand back and admire our handiwork.       

We also do the same thing with the butterbeans and peas.  These are PINK EYE peas…and they are so, so yummy!  After years of standing over a hot stove to blanch them, I finally discovered how to do it in the microwave and WOW!  It makes the job soooo much easier.  We blanch the corn in the microwave too. 

It’s a lot of work but what is it they say….

And when the cold days of winter come (and they will), we’ll be thankful we were ANTS and not  lazy GRASSHOPPERS.

And in case you are interested in how to blanch corn in the microwave:

*Place about 4 cups of creamed corn into a microwaveable dish (like Corning Ware). 
*Heat on HIGH in the microwave for about 2 min.
*Stir well.
*Heat on HIGH another 2 min.
*Quickly sit dish into sink of cold ice water; stir the corn to quickly cool it.  ***
*Place in freezer bags.
***DH has “his” way of doing this.  He pours the hot corn into a large stainless steel bowl sitting in the ice water & stirs until it cools down.

So...are you an ANT or a GRASSHOPPER???  Do you store up food for the winter?

In memory of my father-in-law and the farm he (and my husband) loved


  1. That's the way I was raised, put the veggies away for the winter. It's a lot of work but so worth it! We had corn on the cob for dinner last night, it was SO yummy! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. We ate some of the fresh corn (on the cob) the other night and it was so, so sweet. It was SILVER KING...even sweeter than Silver Queen!

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  2. My days of doing that sort of work are LONG body would not allow me to work a garden or putting a lot of stuff up....thank goodness I am not like the grasshopper who apparently could not drive to the store.

    1. Pam, you always make me laugh:) I'm sure there will come a day when I'll not be the industrious ant that I try to be! My gransshopper days are coming.

  3. We are grasshoppers here at my house. : )

    1. Oh, it's OK to be a grasshopper sometimes:)and we certainly are around here at times...But when it comes to food, my DH becomes industrious:)

  4. Gee, I wish I had the energy to be an ant. I do love fresh vegies even if they are frozen. Your hubby's invention for cleaning the corn silk is great! I love to eat fresh corn on the cob when it is in season, but don't eat much corn the rest of the year. Digestive issues... but I enjoyed this post and would love to come eat with you this winter! LOL>

  5. I do store food for use all year but I did corn once and swore I would never do all that work I just buy the frozen stuff! I love canning applesauce, carrots, tomatoes and also making jams. I'm an ant as long as I can supplement with some store bought stuff!

  6. Yaya, I've never "canned" but remember going with my mama to the cannery to can tomatoes, beans, etc. She also made jellies, pickles, etc. but I've never been THAT big of an ant:)


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