Yes, Cover Girl! I haven’t worn their foundation since high school but decided to try this one after watching yet another youtube video....you need to watch this one: RISA DOES MAKEUP
The creator of this channel is a veteran make-up artist who has taught me a good many beauty tricks (thank you, Risa, I need all the help I can get!) She has used just about every makeup brand out there and yet she loves this foundation. I decided to try it, and I am sooo glad I did. I got mine at Wal-Mart for $10.49.
Now if you are squeamish or turned off by wearing second-hand clothes, you can skip this one. My 14 yr. old granddaughter has turned me onto the idea of thrift shopping for clothes. She and all her buddies say it’s the new way to shop. You not only save money but you help the environment. Thredup takes a little patience as there is SO VERY MUCH to look at, but you can narrow down your search. I have also tried their Goody Boxes. I’ve had a little luck with that, but it’s just plain fun. Go to the site and read about it or try this youtube video.

This is a jewelry subscription. I never knew there were so many BOX SUBSCRIPTIONS. I subscribed to this one for 3 months and so far I have really loved the jewelry I’ve received. You can watch this video to find out more. This youtube channel is called GEORGIA SUNSHINE and she unveils many different box subscriptions. Wish I could afford all of them. It’s just fun to receive a SURPRISE box now and then. I also subscribed for a short time to SELFY-BOX which is makeup and skincare. I really like it too, but it’s a little expensive and I used only about half the things I received.
Do you like the Girl Scout THIN MINT COOKIES? If you do, then trot on
over (well, maybe you should drive) to your nearest DOLLAR TREE and look for
their Fundge Mint cookies. Y’all, they
taste the same! And they are only $1 for
2 sleeves. I put them in the freezer and
nibble on a couple when I hear them calling.
(Your goodies do call to you, don’t they?)
I love trying new things...and
love it even more when I like them! My “word
of the year” is ADVENTURE and since I can’t seem to go on too many adventures quite
yet, I guess making new discoveries will have to do.
What are you CRUSHING on these
days that you think I’d like to try?