Friday, August 7, 2020



Thinking of something interesting to write about has really been difficult during this awful pandemic.  When you don’t go anywhere and you are mostly isolated for months, what do you write about???  I have a good friend who sometimes calls me and says, “Tell me what you know.”  Lately, I’ve been able to tell her about the only thing I know is my name…and some days I’m not sure about that!!!

I hate not to post for a long period, so without anything interesting, exciting, mysterious, funny, earth-shattering, or anything else to write about,  I’m just going to post some of my favorite finds.  You do use PINTEREST…right????  Oh my, I thought I had hit the lottery when I discovered PINTEREST.  I have many, many boards and too many pins to even begin to count.  (Here’s the rub though…I have boards and pins I haven’t looked at since I pinned them!!!  Need to remedy that!!!)

So here for your entertainment (if you’re interested), are some interesting, exciting, mysterious, funny, earth-shattering (well, maybe not earth-shattering), but hopefully delightful pins😊from some of my favorite boards…

from my board ALL GOD’S BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN…aren't they precious?

from AUDREY  HEPBURNmy favorite actress, so classy! 

from BOOKMARKS…I love a good read!  Have you read REDEEMING LOVE by Francine Rivers?  It’s fiction but based on the Bible story of Gomer & Hosea.  As described by Amazon: a life-changing story of God’s unconditional, redemptive, all-consuming love .  I've just finished it and it’s one of the best books I’ve ever read; such a beautiful, meaningful story.

from BOUNCING  BUNNIES…I love adore bunnies!

from  CHEERY  CHERRIES…of course, I have to have a CHERI  CHERRY board!

from CRAFTY with BOTTLES, JARS, & CANS…a great recycling project…

from CRAFTY with FRAMES…lots of old frames can be found in thrift shops (just bought 3 last weekend)…

from GARDEN  INSPIRATION…so inspiring!

from GARDEN SHEDS & OUTDOOR SPACES…a “she shed”  is on my
“want bad enough to eat dirt” list!

Sooooo many boards…so little time.  I’ll share more another time.  If you are interested in any of these just check out all my boards @ 

Do you use PINTEREST???  If not, you might not want to start…it’s addictive!!!!!

And just to leave you laughing...

PS:  What has happened with BLOGGER???  I don’t like the changes


  1. Love your Pinterest pictures. Yes, I do Pinterest and have lots of interesting things to look at. I just haven't been there lately. I've been neglecting it. Now I need to go over there and check it out. Loved your funnies too. And yes, the new blogger is a pain, esp. on labeling. So slow and difficult. Oh well, sometimes I'm the same way. LOL. Have a great weekend.

    1. Pam, I'm sure you are never difficult:) And, of course, I'm not either (hmmm). But I really don't like when blogger decides to fix something that ain't broke!!!

  2. I just followed you, Cheri! Love your boards...especially those bunnies!! And yes, Blogger changed. I'm not a fan. Be well!! See you on Pinterest!! xo

    1. Why oh why doesn't Blogger go by a good ole' southern rule....if it ain't broke, don't fix it????

  3. I usually use Pinterest when I need ideas for crafts for my Sunday school classes (which we're not having now) or for Halloween party ideas. (which we probably won't have either!)I haven't been on there in a while. I hate the new blogger and told them that when asked about it. I told them they needed to just leave it as it was. Anyway, I haven't found one blog buddy who likes it! Take care and continue to stay safe!

    1. Yaya, looks like they would just leave well enough alone. And if no one likes it why do they have to change it???? Just another headache for 2020!!!!!

  4. Yes, I don't like the new blogger. I reverted back but will have to use it soon since the old blogger is going away. I don't use Pinterest too much, it is addictive:) Love those SHE SHEDS and Maxine it my fave! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

    1. I didn't know I could revert back but guess I won't since it's going away. Why oh why did they have to make changes???

  5. Disliking Blogger also. I love the crafty stuff....yes, I use Pinterest and I would have to be 200 yrs old to get everything I have pinned done. I go through stuff on my pins and laugh sometimes...thinking why did I pin that. So I have been doing some deleting.

    1. Pam, I need to do some deleting too. And yep...I'd need to be at least 200 to get even half my pins done. But it's still fun:)

  6. Great pins, Cheri. I backed off Pinterest a bit because I found it was a scroll hole for me and I could get lost in pinning and get nothing else done (like stuff I really needed to do) lol
    You have some great boards!!!! xo Diana

    1. I know what you mean, Diana! I could spend all day on Pinterest....only problem is getting myself to actually do some of the projects:)

  7. Cheri, I loved what you said about your name. LOL. Gee so many nice things on pinterest. Like those painted cans. Who knew years ago, when I was a kid...we had crafting things and NO ideas. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. Susie, if only I was crafty enough...and industrious do all the things I've pinned!!!

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  9. You're right that Pinterest is an addiction, and a fantastic source of ideas. My favorite board of yours is the She Shed board! I want a She Shed badly enough to eat dirt too! I also want a golf cart. xoxo

    1. Jenny, thankfully we have a golf cart. We live in a small town and many people have them. I basically taught my grandson (now 17) to drive by driving the golf cart:) Hubby and I often take late afternoon rides around the neighborhood. Right now our church is meeting outside so we drive down the street in the golf cart and sit in it. I kinda like that:)

  10. What a fun post! Audrey Hepburn is my favorite actress, too. Yes, I live right in the middle of New York. Moved here 45 years ago October, expecting to stay for a few years. I usually write about my life in New York and my travels and my life has been a lot less exciting and not many travels. Still find a lot of day to day to write about. Thanks for visiting Buttercupland.

  11. Buttercup...such a cute name:) So glad you stopped by to chat. I've always wanted to go back for a longer visit in NY but these days I think I'll steer clear and stay home:)


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