How do I know? I see this....
and this....
I know S*P*R*I*N*G is coming when I see my daffodils blooming! I do so love daffodils...but sadly they last such a short time.
Last year at the end of the season I bought this from a sale table (looking rather scrawny) and stuck it in the ground...
thinking it probably would never come up. It just needed a little time and love.
My little violas have held up fairly well during this cold winter, but soon the south GA heat will get them and then I’ll replace them with something else that can hopefully swelter in the heat and survive.
I do love spring...but it’s so short in our neck of the woods. Soon the temperature will rise and the gnats will find their way back to us from wherever they go during the winter and we will wish for the coolness of winter...and life will go on and the cycle will repeat itself. Isn't nature wonderful?
SPRING is nature's way of saying, " Let's party!"
---Robin Williams