Friday, February 10, 2023

Hello, Blog...Long Time No See!

 UPDATE:  After posting this for some reason I cannot now reply to my readers' comments which I usually like to do.  It keeps telling me to sign in to my Google Account but I am signed in!!!!  Oh the frustration!  If anyone knows how to fix this please leave a comment.  I would greatly appreciate it.

My poor, poor blog…it has been SO very neglected.  I love writing so I don’t know why I keep shutting my blog down for months and months at a time.  Oh, wait a minute…yes, I do know…… takes LOTS of time and work plus BLOGGER can be so aggravating at times!!!  I am RETIRED though so you’d think I’d have lots of time.  I do stay rather busy, but I really do have time so I need to see if I can get myself back into the habit!!!  If nothing else, it will give me memories to look back on!


So what have I been up to since I last wrote in September, 2022????  Well, the MRI I had showed nothing…I was both glad and somewhat disappointed.  I had hoped they would find a tiny little something causing my problem so we would know what all the hurting was about.  HOWEVER, as of now (knock on wood), I am not hurting.  Hopefully whatever it was is long gone never to return.

My college boy (grandson) made Dean’s List his first semester and also was initiated into his dad’s and Papa’s fraternity…Kappa Sigma.  I don’t know which of the 3 was the proudest!  The boy is absolutely loving college life!


My beautiful granddaughter still has her boyfriend which has definitely cut into my “girl time” with her, and she is still using her God-given talent to paint.  She has also been bitten by the acting bug since taking theater in school this year.  She will have one of the leading roles in an upcoming play…her grand debut!!!

My Valley Girls along with husbands and MANY other high school and college friends recently attended another reunion with our high school “boy band” giving us a chance to once again “shake a tail feather”….even though the average age of the band players is 75😊  We had a fabulous weekend.  Our Class of ’67 had a mini-reunion the night before.  Little compares to going back in time with your old friends, some I hadn’t seen in more years than I can count.  A wonderful time was had by all.

 I am still tutoring 3 kiddos every Tuesday morning and teaching my Girls in Action group at church on Wednesdays.  Also teach an adult Sunday School class every 4 weeks.  I try to get in my walking as many days a week as possible.  My life is soooo exciting (cough, cough!)

Hopefully my next post will be more exciting than this one and that I will come up with ideas for future posts!!!  Happy 2023 to everyone…hope it will be a blessed one for all of us.


  1. Always fun to catch up, Cheri! My brother in law is a Kappa Sigma, too. He still wears his ring! Congrats to the grandkids, lots of big stuff, you must be so proud!

  2. This was full of wonderful news and definitely good things to be happy about. Your granddaughter is lovely and certainly has artistic talent. The painting is wonderful! Oh, class reunions are such fun, aren't they? We need to have another one before we all get too old to remember who's who. (class of '68). We had one for our 50th. I guess this year should be our 55th. Wow. Time sure flies when you are having so much fun. LOL. Glad your MRI didn't show anything and you are feeling better too. That's always good news. I start PT next week for some torn tendons/muscle in my left shoulder. Thankfully not the rotator cuff, but it still hurts a lot and limits my range of motion. Praying no surgery will be necessary. I had a frozen right shoulder the year before, and it is still not totally well either, so I have been limited in activities for a while. Part of getting older I guess. No fun. Take care and stay in touch. It's good to catch up with you again.

  3. Welcome back...missed you. I know what you mean about wanting answers on things and being somewhat disappointed when you don't get those answers. Its a double edge sword. Great painting ...

  4. Welcome home friend! Good to hear all is well with your health and what beautiful and handsome Grandkiddos! So talented too. Love her painting! My 50th class reunion was in '21 but I didn't go. I only keep in touch with a couple of friends from HS and they weren't going either. We had a thousand kids in my graduating class so it's impossible to know everyone! I went to Jack's reunion though as we live where he graduated and many of his classmates are friends of mine now too. Looks like a fun group of girl friends you have to enjoy the reunion. Hard to believe how fast time has gone. Seems like yesterday we were all teens! Have a good week and please continue to blog. Missed you!

  5. Whenever you post... I am happy to see you here:) I always love to hear what you have been up to and see your pictures of your precious family! Enjoy your day dear friend and stop by when you can! HUGS

  6. Well, my blog has sort of been on a hiatus too. I just can't seem to get motivated to blog except for Prime Purchases. Good to hear from you!

  7. Good to see a post from you sweet lady. I stay busier now than when I worked! Blogging once weekly is about all I can keep up with anymore. Cheri, do what you feel like doing when you feel like doing it girl! LOL! Hugs and blessings to you. Cindy

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