Tuesday, October 6, 2020

In the Midst of Trials


Many people at this moment are going through personal trials, and our country is definitely going through trials that are affecting us all in one way or another.  I never dreamed I would see all the anger, lying, and hate that seems to permeate the very air we breathe.  This past Sunday I taught a Sunday School lesson that touched me (and hopefully those in my class), and I thought I would share a condensed version here in my little piece of Blogland in case it might offer some comfort to someone who needs it.


(Note:  I used various sources & commentaries but the writing is my own.)


I think if we are honest, most (if not all) of us can look back on our lives and remember at least one trial, one very difficult time, when maybe our “trust” in God wasn’t at the level it had been or we wanted it to be.  I don’t mean we didn’t have faith that God was real, but perhaps we didn’t “trust” that He was there in the trial with us or that we didn’t “trust” Him to take care of us and bring us out of the trial in the way we wanted.  Even when we love someone deeply and we usually trust them explicitly, there still maybe times of doubt. 


A few years ago my son sang a song in church…UP ON THE MOUNTAIN.  

The lyrics told how everything is beautiful and peaceful “up on the mountain” but most of us will at some point see ourselves tumbling down into the valley…and that’s when our faith may be put to the test.

 So what can we do?  What do we do to keep our faith strong so that when we find ourselves tumbling from the top of the mountain to the valley we find our faith and our trust still intact?  Well, there really are some things we can do to prepare for those valleys.  Unfortunately, many Christians (and non-Christians) wait until we find ourselves in those deep, dark places and then we cry out WHY ME, GOD?  WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?  We prepare for cold weather by stocking up on firewood; we prepare for hurricanes by stocking up on supplies; we prepare for future medical crises by buying insurance; but how do we prepare for the trials that threaten our faith and trust in God?


1.   Know the scriptures

Read the Bible, but don’t just read it.  Study it; ponder over it; memorize verses and carry them in your heart.  I wish I could say I was wonderful at memorizing more verses.  I was one of those students who could memorize all the facts before the test, but once the test was over…poof!  Many left my head!!!  But even if we can only memorize a few verses, verses that can really speak to our hearts in times of trouble, they can be so helpful.  Another good thing to have is one of those lists that many of you have seen before…read this when you are fearful, read this when you are stressed, etc.  (HERE is a good reference.)

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me.  Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.  But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”   John 16:33

“I am leaving you with this gift—peace of mind and heart.  And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give.  So don’t be troubled or afraid.”  John 14:27


2.   Pray

(No surprise!)  But!!!  We need to do more than just pray, more than just asking for God to take away our trial or even to walk through the trial with us.  We need to also LISTEN…we need to MEDITATE.  Now sometimes in today’s world when we hear the words “meditate” or “meditation” we get this negative idea of some guru lighting up incense, conjuring up and communicating with “spirits” that have nothing to do with God.  When we pray and meditate it means “devout spiritual contemplation.”  It means we aren’t just running through a laundry list of what we want God to do; we are sitting with Him, talking to Him, and opening our minds and our hearts to what He might have to say to us.  Have you ever had a conversation with someone where it all seemed to be one-sided?  The person you are with talks only about themselves, their ideas, their needs, their opinions, etc.?  I have and definitely didn’t enjoy it.  God listens to our prayers, our supplications, but I think He probably prefers to have a part in the conversation too.  We miss the most meaningful part of prayer if we don’t “meditate” also.

…when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.     Jeremiah 29:12

Never stop praying.  1 Thessalonians 5:17


3.    Know who God Is

I have been in Sunday School and church since I was an infant, just as many of you have been.  Through the years we have gained a lot of knowledge about God, about Jesus.  But do we use that knowledge?  I have been married for 50 years and have known my husband even longer.  I know a lot about my husband!  And the longer I have known him, the more intimate and loving our relationship has become.  I use my knowledge of his favorite foods, his likes & dislikes, his personal feelings about things, etc. to deepen our relationship.  I put him ahead of myself (well, at least in most things😊)    And it should be the same way with my relationship with God.  I need to know God through His word and I need to use that knowledge to deepen my relationship with Him.  Just as a marriage takes time and effort to build a relationship, it takes time and effort to build and daily strengthen our relationship with God, to come to truly know Him.

“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope; the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.”  Lamentations 3:21-23


4.    Take Ourselves Out of the Center of the Trial 

All too often when we are overwhelmed, burdened, battered by life’s circumstances, we are all too eager to put ourselves in the middle of the storm, crying out WHY ME?  We have our own pity parties or we feel we are alone and God has hung us out to dry.  Or…we jump in feet first immediately thinking WHAT CAN I DO TO FIX THIS?  Self-sufficiency is a good trait to have, but sometimes we take it too far and we leave God out of the equation. 

Often we spend much too much time on figuring things out on our own and we spend our energy trying to find ways to tackle the difficult situations we face.  We end up leaning on everything and everyone but God.  However, the scripture tells us: 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”          Proverbs 3:5-6


“We must consistently, constantly pray that God would enable us to trust Him.  That God would help us believe His promises and trust Him even when life doesn’t make sense.  The simple reality is that most of the time we have only a very small grasp of what God is truly doing in our life.  And yet, because we know that he’s good and faithful and steadfast and ready to give us His grace, we can trust Him with our whole heart.”


 I think all of us are going through a very difficult time…the virus, the unrest in our country, the pending election whose outcome could completely change the course of our country…on top of any personal trials some of us may be dealing with.  Some days I feel the deep, dark valley crowding in around me.  But we’ve got to believe that even if things don’t turn out the way we want them to, God is still in control.  We need to put our faith and our “trust” in Him that in the end God will make it all right.  (That’s a lesson I’m still teaching myself.)


Life is easy when you’re up on the mountain, and you’ve got peace of mind like you’ve never known.  But then things change when you’re down in the valley, don’t lose faith for you’re never alone.  For the God on the mountain is still God in the valley; when things go wrong He’ll make them right.  And the God in the good times is still God in the bad times; the God of the day is still God in the night.


  1. Excellent post!
    I can't imagine going through trials without God or life for that matter. I've been through a few trials and knowing God saw me through them, I know he will see me through the ones to come.

    1. I can't imagine either. I can look back on my life and see how often God carried me in His arms. So glad you enjoyed the post.

  2. Such a fitting post for the times we are. I can’t imagine trying to get through 2020 without our Lord!

    1. Sharon, 2020 has been such an awful year...but definitely would have been worse if I didn't have God in my life. I pray for our country each day.

  3. Super lesson with wonderful scriptures and hopeful message. I believe deeply in prayer and finding a personal relationship with our Savior. You stated it very well and thanks for sharing it . I needed this today!

    1. Yaya, I'm so glad and thankful that my post had a significant meaning to you. I was hoping it would touch some people. It's a lesson I needed to teach myself as much as those to whom I was teaching!

  4. Been a strange and crazy time for sure. I know lots of folks are dealing with a lot of stuff from paying bills to eating. Teaching school to pulling out their own hair. I just hope that it all turns around sooner then later.

    1. Oh, Pam...so do I! So do I! I pray about it constantly it seems.

  5. Oh dear sweet lady. You are not going to believe this!!!! I love, love, love that song and God brought that song back to my memory yesterday and I found myself playing it over and over again. Shared it with my sister yesterday for her to listen too. He is surely the same God in the valley as he is on the mountain top isn't He? I told our ladies in the last class we took in Spring and finally had to finish by zoom that we best be filling our wells......And not just with things we felt we need. As you said, we are quick to prepare for a hurricane, medical needs, future needs...but are we prepared to deal with trials, tribulations and attacks from the enemy. GET THAT WORD in the well. The timing of your post for me is perfect. I needed a reminder today as recently I have found myself allowing fear to creep in my life. GIRL...having to practice what I preach now! Hugs and blessings to you dear lady. Cindy

    1. Cindy, this comment has just warmed my heart so much. I was hoping at least one person would really get something out of it. Like you, fear has really been creeping in lately and I am praying hard about that! I'm so thankful you dropped by to read and left this comment. It made my day!

  6. Wise words for tough times, Cheri. Thank you for sharing...

  7. OH my Cheri, this post is so needed especially now, I am truly blessed, and encouraged by the thoughts and scriptures you have shared.
    One thing i noticed in your first paragraph that I experienced when I was teaching in Sunday school, that God always spoke to me first in a lesson before I could present it to others.
    Thank you ever so much for presenting this.

    1. Sue, I had to smile at this because I often tell my SS class that if a lesson doesn't touch me in some way I just can't teach it...my heart has to be in it. So...sometimes I veer from the lesson in our student book!!!! It's not that I think I'm smarter than writers of the SS literature, but I just have to feel it is meaningful to me so that I can make it more meaningful for those I teach:)

  8. Oh how I love this post! We sing that song in my Church and it sure fits my TODAYs after the loss of my Sister. A little down in the valley but I know who is holding me in his loving arms to get me through! We are certainly living in troubling times and I pray that the days ahead heal this Country and it's leaders. Everyone has too much hate in their hearts:( Sending HUGS and prayers your way!

    1. I am so happy this post touched your heart. I am so very sorry about your sister. Just seems like so much death, anger, hatred, and violence has surrounded us...but God is greater! Hugs and prayers right back at 'cha!


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