Friday, January 31, 2020

Wake Up...and Smell the Coffee!

(That is one of my favorite sayings!)
Are you a morning person or a night owl?  
When I was still teaching I had to get up around 6:00 a.m. every morning.  My husband learned not to speak to me for the first 10 minutes or so, but I am much better now that I can get up at my leisure…one of the benefits
of retirement😊  Even though now I could sleep as late as I want, I am usually up between 7:30 & 8:00 a.m.  However, I do tend to be a night owl and my 10:00 work bedtime has now turned into more like 11:00-12:00 or sometimes even later.

So…do you have a morning routine?  I am a person who likes organization, schedules, and routines…I just function better.  Lately I have been thinking a lot about how I can make each day the best I can make it, and I’m finding that how you begin your day can make a LOT of difference in how your day goes.  If you search the internet you can find MANY, MANY articles with ideas of how to set up a morning routine or things you can do to start your day off right.  Everyone is different and what appeals to one person might not work for another, but here are some ideas that I incorporate into my mornings.  See what you think.

1.  Gratitude for the New Day.  Because I am a Christian I believe in prayer, and so each morning before I get out of bed I try to remember to simply say, "Good morning, God.  Thank you for another chance to live my life and be with my family."  Just smiling & realizing that each day is a blessing is a wonderful way to face the day... 

“When you smile, it signals your brain to release the feel-good neurotransmitters (dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin), which lift your mood, relax your body, and lower your heart rate. Who wouldn’t want to start their day on this positive note?”

 "Each day comes bearing its own gifts.  Untie the ribbons."
Ruth Ann Schabaker

"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love."
Marcus Aurelius

2.  S-t-r-e-t-c-h.  If you are a “little up there in age” (like me) a good stretch can really help you feel energized (and make it easier to waddle to the bathroom!)  But you don’t have to be old for some stretches to help you get moving.  Your body is like a computer that has been turned off all night…it needs a good reboot.
3.  Make Up Your Bed!  Have you ever seen this video of a Navy seal who discusses why it’s so important to make up your bed every morning?  It’s great…you really should watch it.  I guess I am OCD but I HAVE TO MAKE UP MY BED EVERY SINGLE MORNING.  At night I just CANNOT get into a bed that hasn’t been made.
4.  But First C-O-F-F-E-E!  A lot of folks (you perhaps?) just cannot start their day without coffee!  I am not a huge coffee drinker but I do love my cappuccino!  I enjoy a cup as I watch or read the a.m. news and as I think about my day ahead.  I did recently read (this article) that says the best time to drink your morning coffee is an hour after you wake up, but who wants to wait that long?  I’ve also read that we should drink a glass of water when we wake up to get our bodies hydrated…it’s also good for our skin (and I need all the help with that that I can get these days!)

5.  Fuel Up!  I’m not one that eats breakfast every a.m. even though I know I should.  I’ve read research that says breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but I’ve also read that may not be true.  I also recently learned that eating protein for breakfast “may” help you consume less calories during the day (and I need all the help I can get with that too!)
6.  List It!  I make a To Do List.  This is important for me, especially now that I am retired.  I don’t like to waste my days, even though I can if I want😊.  I prioritize my list so that I can make sure to get the most important things done.  It’s also a good idea (though I don’t always do this) to do the most difficult thing first.  Get that sucker out of the way, pronto!

7.  Get Moving!  I exercise 3-5 times each week and I get it out of the way in the mornings (I hate to exercise!)  Some days I go to the gym and some days I walk in my neighborhood.  It’s one of those necessary evils of life!!!

8.  Looking Good!  Every day I put on my makeup, get dressed, put on my jewelry, and fix my hair…even if I am not going anywhere that day.  I just feel so much better when I know I’m prepared for any emergency (like unexpected company or a call to go pick up a sick grandchild from school). Also, I just like to look nice for my husband.  There are a lot of psychological reasons for getting dressed everyday…just Google it.

9.  Quiet Time with God.    I know some people who grab their coffee and then head for their personal space to read the Bible and talk with God.  I like to give myself some time to wake up and get some of my other morning routine out of the way.  That way I don’t find my thoughts wandering away so much to the things I need to do. 

"When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength.  Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living.  If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault likes in yourself."      --Tecumseh
As much as I miss my classroom and teaching the children every day, it’s nice that now I have time for all these things and that I can have a more leisurely morning to start my days.  But whether you are no longer working like me or whether you still get up each morning and prepare for your work day, it’s still a good idea to have a morning routine to help you start off on a positive note.  How you begin your day can affect everything. 
Do you have a morning routine or are you just one of those people who takes it as it comes?  If you find yourself starting your day already stressed, maybe you need to rethink things and find ways to make your mornings something to look forward to. 
The older I get the more I realize you need to heed the words of the Roman poet Horace....SEIZE  THE  DAY!...meaning one should enjoy life while one can.  And the best way to do that is to begin every morning:)

PS:  I don't know why some of this post has a white background.  I tried and tried to fix it, but couldn't....grrrr!


  1. It sounds like you are talking about me:) I am such a routine person. The difference is I go to bed early, I try to stay up later but just can't. The bed is made every morning before coffee is finished brewing, make-up and earrings ALWAYS, dressed as if I am getting out even if there are no plans to do so AND lists are a must. Enjoy your day dear friend, sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

    1. Wow! We really are alike! Wish we lived closer...we'd have lots to talk about:)

  2. That's me exactly! I need routine. I suffer from anxiety and for me routine is essential. Like you I say a morning prayer of thanks before I get up. I sit on the edge of the bed and have a good stretch and practice my breathing control as anxiety is worse in the morning. I have tea and toast for breakfast. My daily routine depends on my work shifts, but being busy stops me feeling anxious. I love long walks with my dog and hubby. I admit that I only get dressed up when necessary; I'm a bit of a sloppy joe kind of girl :/ Best, Jane x

    1. Jane, sounds like we have a lot in common:) I was recently diagnosed with having an anxiety attack...just came out of nowhere for no reason. Still don't understand it! I occassionally have a Pajama Day where I don't get dressed...I do put on make up though because I don't want to scare anybody:)

  3. It sounds like you have a lovely morning routine. I used to have a more regular one when the kids were in school. Now that they're in college (and living at home) it's harder. People are popping in and out "needing" at all different times of the morning. And while I don't drink coffee, I do start my day with a cup of hot water, a good stretch and making my bed. :)

    1. Hot water??? Oh my...I don't think I could handle that. I have enough trouble just drinking bottled water! My routine was definitely different when my kids were small and also in the days I was keeping grandkids. Children are a blessing but they sure do change the way we do things:)

  4. I am a routine, organized person, like you the first person I speak to, is my heavenly Father! I like all of your list, and follow pretty much the same. Thanks for sharing, Have a great weekend.

    1. I'm seeing that a lot of us are organized. My best friend and DIL are sooo unorganized...I was beginning to think I was an oddball:)

  5. All of these things I do......NOT DO!haha. I have no routine. NONE...I smile shortly after getting up thanks to the furbabes. My mornings are actually my hardest part of the day. With Fibromyalgia, there is that stiff body and pain I deal with. However. I do move according to the clock if I am working. If not working, I just take the morning withease.

    1. Different strokes for different folks:) Whatever makes you happy and gets you through the day!!!

  6. I really liked reading this. A lot of GOOD ideas. My ideal time would be to get up at 9 or 10 and go to bed around midnight - what is that? And I can't start my day without coffee! lol

    1. When I was "young" I could easily sleep till late A.M. but no more. I'm awake most mornings earlier than I want to be!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I have a morning routine and since I have to be at the hospital by 6:30am I guess that makes me a morning person! I do sleep in on Sat.and Sunday until around 7 or sometimes 8. I always make my bed and put on my makeup and get coffee. I don't drink that but I do drink water with my vitamins before leaving the house. There's the dog to get out also and he always has his morning routine! Over the years my call schedule has made it easy for me to be awake at the ring of the phone all hours of the day or night. I guess that may change this summer when I go part-time and don't have to do call anymore. My hubby and I pray together every morning before leaving for work and I always have my personal prayers too. Helps me feel like the Lord is with me all through the day. Have a good rest of your weekend!

    1. Yaya, I'm sure you are looking forward to your new work schedule:) Having to be at the hospital by 6:30...oh dear I can't imagine.

  9. This was wonderful, Cheri. I am also retired, and I find that I do many of the things you have listed already. I am a morning person. Usually we get up around 6 am. and yes, I make the bed as soon as we are out of it! (Unless I am changing the sheets, then it can air out until the sheets are washed and put back on the bed.) I have my cup of tea first thing, like right now while I am reading your blog and drinking my tea. In a few minutes, when my cup is empty, I will go read devotions with my husband. He is also having his coffee right now and reading his messages on his computer. After our morning devotions we have breakfast. Then we get cleaned up, yes I put on makeup, do hair, get dressed, etc., and we usually, weather permitting, go for a walk, then run errands, etc., back home before lunch, so on and so on. My hubby really likes a routine, so there aren't too many days that we stray from it even though I would like to be more spontaneous sometimes and break out of the routine. Thank you for this list. It was very thorough and helps me to see that what we are doing is right on!! Have a blessed day!

    1. Pam, even though I like routine I have to admit I often want life to have a little more spontaneity!!! My husband (like yours) is so content to just do what we always do...bless his sweet heart! But once my granddaughter gets older and can drive herself, I plan to get him out of his rut!!!

  10. Hi there, Kindred Spirit Winter Person! Thank you for your comment on my blog.

    Right, we enjoy more Winter Hibernation Time, at this time of year! Why not? Nature is still in its winter rest time. Why shouldn't we, enjoy these last days of cozy-at-home, reading a good book, and contemplating...? -smile-


  11. I am a Morning Person! I need to get-things-done, early. Or I run-out-of-steam. -smile-

    Oh yes, Stretch!!! And make a List. And I need my morning Decaf. For health reasons, I have not had Real Coffee, in years. But it's ok. When it's your health, many things can be-OK!!!! -smile-

    About Making Bed. I always did. First thing. Then I read a very interesting article. About those little mites, which live in our beds. Yes even regularly changed beds. -smile-

    Fold the covers back, first thing in the morning. Let air/light make life miserable for those little mites!

    Since we moved our bedroom downstairs, it is easy to do this, and come back in a while, and make the bed. If I still had to run upstairs, I'd probably not do this.

    But it's a thought. And anyone can look it up.

    I so need to make some sort of exercise, a habit. We say it and we don't do it. -sigh-

    Also agree on trying to maintain a Mind Set. Of take things Easy... Slow.... and Deliberate. Rushing does no good. For our blood pressure. Or for accomplishment. I have been trying this, for a few days, and I am very pleased.


    1. Ugh! I'll have to read about those mites (or maybe I won't and just not think about them!!!!) There are lots of things in this life we probably are better off not!!!

  12. You are lucky to be able to let comments publish. I prefer this way. But every time I do.... Weird SPAM shows up. -sigh- The latest is for "Love Spells"!!!! LOL

    So I guess, I will have to have Comment Moderation on... And leave it on. -sigh-


    1. Wisp of Words, I have occasionally gotten Spam but it hasn't been bad. A couple "strange" people who commented but I just delete them:)


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