Life continues to be busy...even in retirement! I have had some friends recently to comment that I haven't been blogging lately…so true. I have had several projects going on in recent weeks plus a new semester has begun…at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
This semester I will have 27 university juniors and seniors to work with…the huge number is the bad news, but the good news is I have already completed one week and at the end of October I will have two more weeks with them…in these two weeks I will be working fast and furious. I really enjoy the job so I'm certainly not complaining. I recently received last semester's evaluations (anonymous) by my student teachers and all but one made me feel really good about what I do. I guess you can't please everybody! Interesting though that those who work really hard and do their best are usually the ones who like me as their supervisor:)
I have tried to finish up several projects recently including cleaning out closets, drawers, and cabinets…mostly done but still working on a few. I also finally COMPLETED my genealogy work on my mother's family tree. It's been labor-intensive but was a true labor of love for me. I sent it to Mama just this week and I think she is having herself a high old time reading about her ancestors on both her father's and mother's sides. I even located a picture of her great-great-great grandfather along with some other old family photos. Ladies, explain this to me…back in the "old days" many of the men were quite handsome but some of those old gals….well, let's just say they wouldn't have won any beauty pageants! It was probably due to them having to cook, clean, and be consistently pregnant all without electricity or running water! I do love genealogy though!
"M" is in K and "R" is in 2nd. They are both progressing very well...making their teacher grandmother very proud! "R" is about half way through soccer season and has matured so much since last year. He's already scored some goals making his Daddy Coach very proud! Here are some recent photos:
Miss M really likes to pose!